NABJ Reminds Newsrooms to Add Historical Context to ‘Mass Shooting’ Coverage
NABJ National News, NewsNABJ Reminds Newsrooms to Add Historical Context
to ‘Mass Shooting’ Coverage
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct. 4, 2017) — The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) issued a reminder yesterday on Twitter of the statement the organization released last year along with the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) advising newsrooms on language associated with coverage of modern day shootings.
To date, 59 people have been confirmed dead and more than 500 people were injured in the tragedy caused by lone wolf shooter Stephen Paddock in Las Vegas on Oct. 1.
NABJ Treasurer Greg Morrison appeared on KARE11-TV in Minneapolis to discuss the importance of coverage and putting historical events into context with reporter Christoper Hrapsky.
“It’s not an issue of race, it’s an issue of accuracy,” said Morrison.
NABJ first issued a call to put tragedies and coverage into historical perspective following the Pulse Club shootings in Orlando last year. Included in last year’s joint statement were suggestions for future coverage to include avoiding superlatives altogether or report the shooting as the deadliest shooting in recent or modern history.
“The shooting in Las Vegas was tragic and we extend our sincerest expressions of sympathy to those impacted by the Las Vegas shooting and with the NABJ members who have been on the front lines reporting on this horrific tragedy,” said NABJ President Sarah J. Glover
An advocacy group established in 1975 in Washington, D.C., the National Association of Black Journalists is the largest organization for journalists of color in the nation, and provides career development as well as educational and other support to its members worldwide. For additional information, please visit