NABJCC/BPRS Host Joint Scholarships Fundraiser, Black & White Day Party
NewsCHICAGO — Last month Chicago’s National Association of Black Journalists partnered with the Black Public Relations Society of Chicago to raise funds for the chapter’s scholarship fund.
NABJ solicited donations of food and beverages, and sponsors came through. M Lounge Chicago donated the spirits for our bar service. Pepsi donated non-spirit beverages. Uncle Remus Saucy Fried Chicken and Chicago Eats Marketplace donated a wonderful buffet.
The party’s theme and highlight was Chicago’s celebrity women journalists coming out to lead the crowd in dance. We were graced by the likes of CBS2 anchor Irika Sargent, ABC7 reporter Leah Hope, and Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Mary Mitchell. An added highlight was R & B Artist Gene “The Duke of Earl” Chandler coming to hang out and provide samples of his recently released wine collection.
The music, combined with the stunning location off of Lake Michigan, set the mood and created a festive atmosphere.
Our scholarship fundraising efforts continue to be made throughout the year. You can donate here. Stay tuned for NABJ’s annual Red Hot Holiday Party at Christmastime, always a fan favorite. To stay in the loop for upcoming events, follow us on Twitter @NABJCC and like us on Facebook at NABJ Chicago.
By: Andrea Watson, NABJ Chicago Board Member