Media & Storytelling Program Officer at the Field Foundation
Jobs and OpportunitiesAfter gaining formal input from nearly 70 journalists, media makers and storytellers from communities of color, Field Foundation will launch its Media & Storytelling program in the spring of 2019. To lead this work, we are hiring a new Media & Storytelling Program Officer for our team.
The Media & Storytelling Program Officer will be responsible for building a portfolio of grantees and will serve as a thought leader in the field; they will lead and coordinate all of the Media & Storytelling work—including developing strategies to strengthen the impact of African, Latinx, Asian, Arab and Native American (ALAANA) media makers, storytellers and journalists locally; recommend grants that create content, sustain operations, launch partnerships, support training and fund fellowships, as well as organize convenings to generate feedback from ALAANA media makers; and, share knowledge about innovations in news production and distribution as well as revenue models and other relevant developments in media and journalism. The Foundation emphasizes reporting and storytelling that explores the root causes of Chicago’s inequities.
To learn more or to be considered for this opportunity, please visit the Field Foundation Website: